Aquifer Protection Permitting (APP), Groundwater Sampling, & Data Analysis, IMSAMET of Arizona

Aquifer Protection Permitting (APP), Groundwater Sampling, & Data Analysis, IMSAMET of Arizona

2009 - Present: IMSAMET of Arizona is an aluminum ingot producing and recycling facility in Goodyer, AZ. Chris has been the Project Manager & Lead Hydrogeologist for this site since 2009. Chris manages the quarterly groundwater sampling program for IMSAMET to comply with the site’s Aquifer Protection Permit (APP), and performs all sampling, data analysis & reporting tasks. Chris also assists IMSAMET with various data analysis efforts associated with their overall APP compliance requirements which includes detailed analysis of changing groundwater flow conditions and occasional exceedances of APP compliance constituents in groundwater. Chris also leads technical meetings and presentations with the ADEQ to keep IMSAMET in compliance with their APP.

Chris has assisted IMSAMET with two major APP revisions, several geochemical groundwater trend studies, and an engineering study to provide alternative zero fluid discharge plant upgrades, His work has enabled IMSAMET to avoid doing expensive offsite hydrogeological studies or installing new monitoring wells by establishing that the existing well system is adequate to characterize potential offsite impacts to groundwater.

The estimated total savings to IMSAMET to date that Chris has managed or implemented is ~$300,000.

100-Year Assured Water Supply Study, Jackrabbit Ranch Marketplace, Buckeye, AZ

100-Year Assured Water Supply Study, Jackrabbit Ranch Marketplace, Buckeye, AZ

Well Siting Study, Prescott, AZ

Well Siting Study, Prescott, AZ