Well Siting Study, Prescott, AZ

Well Siting Study, Prescott, AZ

June - July 2021: Courtney Consulting completed a well siting study for an interested property buyer of a 10-acre parcel of land located approximately 20 miles south of Prescott. The site is located in difficult bedrock drilling conditions which yield unpredictable small volumes of groundwater. The study convinced the property buyer to acquire a nearby property which has an operating domestic well that can fulfill his needs to acquire the interested property.

Aquifer Protection Permitting (APP), Groundwater Sampling, & Data Analysis, IMSAMET of Arizona

Aquifer Protection Permitting (APP), Groundwater Sampling, & Data Analysis, IMSAMET of Arizona

Tire Recycling Pyrolysis Plant Permitting, Oasis, CA

Tire Recycling Pyrolysis Plant Permitting, Oasis, CA