Tire Recycling Pyrolysis Plant Permitting, Oasis, CA

Tire Recycling Pyrolysis Plant Permitting, Oasis, CA

May 2021 - Present: Prepared a comprehensive Environmental Assessment (EA) Report in accordance with the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Home Ownership Act of 2012 (the HEARTH Act) for an investor looking to construct a tire recycling pyrolysis plant near the Salton Sea on the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indian Tribe’s land in Oasis, CA. When built the plant will employ up to 40 new full and/or part-time jobs and approximately $19.3 million dollars in annual gross profit. A portion of these jobs will be given to select convicted inmates to assist with their positive reintroduction into society. The EA is currently under a 30 day public review/comment period. This will be only the 2nd operating tire recycling pyrolysis plant in the United States.

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