Water Resource Assessment for Gold Mine Expansion – Bullhead City, AZ

Water Resource Assessment for Gold Mine Expansion – Bullhead City, AZ

August 2019 - January 2020: Chris, supported by a Staff Hydrogeologist from Wood, led a comprehensive surface water and groundwater study in support of an Environmental Assessment (EA) to support a Mine Plan of Operations (MPO) for Golden Vertex Corp’s Moss Mine Phase III Expansion Project on BLM owned land located in Bullhead City, AZ. The study included: 1) Field surveying six spring sites to identify flow characteristics, laboratory analysis of general water chemistry, and bench testing for biological growth communities using Biological Activity Reaction Test (BART) test kits; 2) Collecting groundwater samples for laboratory analysis of general water chemistry and bench testing for biological growth communities using BART test kits from six bedrock wells located on Moss Mine property; and, 3) Developing a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) for the surface and groundwater systems at the Moss Mine to determine that the springs and bedrock aquifers were not connected. The result of the study was critical in obtaining BLM approval of the EA for the Phase III Expansion Project.

Joe Bardswich, President (Golden Vertex Corp.) - “Chris – I certainly appreciate the work you did by taking the bull by the horns and leading the expeditions to the alluvial springs, and the thoughtfulness you put into the arguments that we would not drain the springs.”

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Tire Recycling Pyrolysis Plant Permitting, Oasis, CA

Soil Seepage Study for New Home Construction – Parker, AZ

Soil Seepage Study for New Home Construction – Parker, AZ