Fuel Underground Storage Tank (UST) Sampling Assistance, Various Sites, Greater Phoenix Area

Fuel Underground Storage Tank (UST) Sampling Assistance, Various Sites, Greater Phoenix Area

Courtney Consulting has assisted Bender Environmental Consulting, Inc. (BEC) (https://benderenv.com/) with numerous UST replacements projects by assisting them with collecting the required ADEQ soil samples for laboratory analyses. The UST removals have included 30-year old plus tanks formerly containing unleaded and diesel automotive fuels. The UST replacements were performed under ADEQ’s Tank Site Replacement Program (TISP). Under the TSIP, UST replacement funding is provided by the State up to $300,000 per facility.

Soil & Water Sampling Project Related to a Solvent Release at a Cannabis Growing Facility, Snowflake, AZ

Soil & Water Sampling Project Related to a Solvent Release at a Cannabis Growing Facility, Snowflake, AZ

Oil-Water Separating Tank Investigation for a Privately Owned Airport Hanger, Falcon Field Airport, Mesa, AZ

Oil-Water Separating Tank Investigation for a Privately Owned Airport Hanger, Falcon Field Airport, Mesa, AZ