Groundwater Dewatering Management & Reporting, Camelback One Holdings LLC, Phoenix, AZ

Groundwater Dewatering Management & Reporting, Camelback One Holdings LLC, Phoenix, AZ

Courtney Consulting is assisting the new owner of a former 11-story high-rise building located at E. Camelback & N. Central in Phoenix, AZ with a 10 well groundwater dewatering system. The building is undergoing renovations to become a 141-unit luxury apartment complex & consists of a 5-level underground parking garage. Due to shallow groundwater conditions, Chris evaluated historical depth to groundwater data at & near the site & determined that future well operation/dewatering was not required. By eliminating the need to pump the dewatering system the client is no longer required to conduct quarterly sampling & related reporting. This resulted in an annual savings of approximately $50,000. Chris still submits monthly zero discharge reports to the City of Phoenix & check the site quarterly for depth to groundwater should there ever be a need to reactivate the dewatering system.

Construction Management for an Active Superfund Site, Baker Development Corp, Phoenix, AZ

Construction Management for an Active Superfund Site, Baker Development Corp, Phoenix, AZ

Phase II Environmental Soils Investigation at an Active Luxury Limousine Rental & Repair Shop, Phoenix, AZ

Phase II Environmental Soils Investigation at an Active Luxury Limousine Rental & Repair Shop, Phoenix, AZ