Construction Management for an Active Superfund Site, Baker Development Corp, Phoenix, AZ

Construction Management for an Active Superfund Site, Baker Development Corp, Phoenix, AZ

This project involves demolition and redevelopment of a 66.38-acre parcel located at located at the southwest corner of 52nd Street and McDowell Road, which was a former Motorola semiconductor manufacturing facility. The Motorola 52nd Street site is a superfund site with contaminated groundwater including trichloroethene (TCE), 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA) and tetrachloroethene (PCE). BDC is currently building 800,000 square feet (74,300 sq m) of data center space or a 400,000 square-foot (37,100 sq m) Class A industrial project. Built in 1978, the site currently has a two-story building and houses around 35,000 sq ft (3,250 sq m) of office space and 70,000 sq ft (6,500 sq m) of data floor/manufacturing space. The site is located within an ON Semiconductor campus.

The PUD proposes an industrial/employment-oriented development with data center, manufacturing, warehouse, and distribution-type uses. The proposed uses are compatible with the surrounding zoning and uses in the area and will be complementary with surrounding development.

Courtney Consulting oversaw contractor work related to demolition and replacement of an aged water distribution line for the 52nd St Site on the southern portion of the site, that transports contaminated groundwater from a myriad of wells to the pump-and-treat system located on the other half of the site. The pump-and-treat system is required to operate 24/7 by the USEPA except for emergency purposes such as this. Courtney Consulting’s scope involved interacting with various contractors, consultants, stakeholders, and neighboring property owners to ensure that all required environmental regulations were adhered to that engineering designs were followed.

Groundwater Modeling Study for A Proposed In-Lieu Fee Wetlands at Watson Woods Preserve, Prescott, AZ

Groundwater Modeling Study for A Proposed In-Lieu Fee Wetlands at Watson Woods Preserve, Prescott, AZ

Groundwater Dewatering Management & Reporting, Camelback One Holdings LLC, Phoenix, AZ

Groundwater Dewatering Management & Reporting, Camelback One Holdings LLC, Phoenix, AZ