Phase II Environmental Soils Investigation at an Active Automotive Repair Shop, Mesa, AZ

Phase II Environmental Soils Investigation at an Active Automotive Repair Shop, Mesa, AZ

In January 2024, Courtney Consulting on behalf of Joan Jacobs & Associates, LLC conducted a shallow soils investigation at an active automotive repair shop located in Mesa, AZ.  Based on recommendations made in a November 2023 Phase I ESA report, drilling and soil sampling was conducted at the site to determine the potential for shallow soil contamination from automotive related practices.  The investigation was conducted at the Lender’s request for future site renovations by the new owner. Drilling consisted of four soil borings to 10 feet below ground surface using a direct push drill rig. Chris Courtney oversaw and conducted all soil sampling activities, QA’d all laboratory data, and prepared the Phase II summary report.

Results from the sampling were all below respective Arizona Non-Residential soil remediation levels (SRLs).

Well Reconnaissance Study, Zonia Mine, World Coper Ltd., Kirkland, AZ

Well Reconnaissance Study, Zonia Mine, World Coper Ltd., Kirkland, AZ

SWPPP Revision & Stormwater Sample Collection Training, Page Municipal Airport, Page, AZ

SWPPP Revision & Stormwater Sample Collection Training, Page Municipal Airport, Page, AZ