Groundwater Monitoring Optimization (Cost Savings) Study, Former Williams Air Force Base (AFB), Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport – Mesa, AZ

Groundwater Monitoring Optimization (Cost Savings) Study, Former Williams Air Force Base (AFB), Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport – Mesa, AZ

2011 - 2018: Chris, under a former employer, was responsible for overseeing & managing all groundwater monitoring & reporting activities for 4 sites at the former WAFB that required ongoing monitoring (approximately 120 monitoring wells). The chemicals of concern include: JP-4 jet fuel; volatile organic compounds (VOCs); semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs); metals; &, pesticides. Chris also author site-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) plans, Health & Safety (H&S) plans, & Focused Feasibility Studies (FFSs) & Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plans related to groundwater containment & remediation.

Perhaps of most inters to prospective cents, Chris identified a unique long-term savings opportunity to the project by identifying extreme monitoring well redundancy at one of the sites (a former landfill). Chris thereby conducted a statistical groundwater optimization study which resulted in EPA approval of a 60% reduction in samples.

Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC), Lackland AFB, TX

Soil Vapor & Indoor Air Quality Studies at Three Public Schools for the Tucson Airport Remediation Project (TARP) – Tucson, AZ

Soil Vapor & Indoor Air Quality Studies at Three Public Schools for the Tucson Airport Remediation Project (TARP) – Tucson, AZ