Seepage markers in water logged areas
Seepage markers in water logged areas
Training mine staff on stormwater collection procedures
Miscellaneous instruction debris next to a water well
Collecting stream flow data along the Agua Fria River. From left to right: Chris Courtney (Courtney Consulting LLC), Mariano Lanza (BLM Project Manager) & Tyler Azeltine (JE Fuller)
A 24/7 500 ft deep drinking water replacement well drilled in the job in the elite NE Tucson Foothills. Chris worked the night shift & helped evaluate live-time data to make game-time decision on the final well design.
A basin-wide hydrogeology study coupled with a groundwater model & a seeps & springs inventory identified a deep 5,000 ft+ aquifer (the Morrison Aquifer). Test wells were subsequently drilled which proved the resource was viable. If developed properly, the wells could sustain the proposed 4,500MW coal fired power plant for its intended life without adverse impacts to the overlying aquifer or springs which the local Navajo nation tribes rely on.
A unique modeling approach was used that proved to be much less expensive & time consuming than what the stakeholders & regulators initially asked for.
Through sounds direct science, this project determined there were no adverse health risks to inhabitants at three south-side Tucson schools.
A groundwater monitoring well optimization statistical study conducted by Chris will save the client close to $1M by the time the site obtains regulatory closure.